Our Services

Welcome to our school, where every corner is sprinkled with joy, creativity, and imagination! Unleash the magic of discovery through our enchanting early childhood education designed to inspire curiosity and growth in every child.


Mountain Movers

Three months - two years old

$1250/month (full time) $75/day (part time)

This is our infant room, known as the Mountain Movers. Your little one will accomplish great things in the first couple years of life. You may even say they’ll move mountains! In this room, your child will learn to crawl, walk, talk, feed themselves and learn through play.

(Nutritious breakfast, lunch and snacks are provided to children over one year old.)

The Archers

Two-three years old

$1175/month (full time) $70/day (part time)

This is the non-potty trained preschool room, known as The Archers! These are some crucial years in your child’s life & our staff is here to make sure each child gets the love, support and guidance they need to become independent, self-sufficient and take reasonable risks to gain confidence! We also help with potty training when both parents and staff agree your child is ready.

(Nutritious breakfast, lunch and snacks are included with tuition.)


The Voyagers

Three years old and up (must be potty trained)

$1025/month (full time) $65/day (part time)

This is the pre-K room, known as The Voyagers. We truly believe we’re helping to raise your children to get ready to voyage into the world as wise, compassionate people with an enthusiasm for learning and a heart for humanity! We get them ready for kindergarten in all the traditional academic ways as well as how to be a good friend! They will learn to take responsibility for their actions, help build each other up and work as a team.

(Nutritious breakfast, lunch and snacks are included with tuition.)

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